Alas (Wings)

Music: Vicente Demarco
Lyrics: Alfredo Faustino Roldán
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo with Ricardo Ruiz in 1939



Han vuelto a mirarme tus ojos
Con todo el encanto febril de tus celos,
Y pudo tan sólo un sollozo
unirte a mi vida después de un silencio.

Rocío tus lágrimas fueron
Y lentas cayeron
al fondo de mi alma,
Para calmar mi corazón,
que ansioso de esperar
Juró, nunca olvidar tu amor.

Es la primavera con sus flores
Que despierta mis amores
Y mis sueños de ilusión.

Es el canto alegre de dos almas
que vivieron de esperanzas
acallando el corazón.

Es la vida que vuelve trayendo
El perfume de gratos recuerdos.

Luces, ilusiones, canto y flores
Volarán viejos rencores
Al embrujo de tu amor.


(Unsung part)

Vivir con las alas plegadas
No pueden las almas que miran al cielo,
La dulce canción de la vida
Es porque nos habla, de dichas y besos.

La brisa que tiembla las flores
También ama y gime, también tiene celos,
No hay que soñar, hay que vivir con toda la pasión
Que es bello por amor, vivir.


Your eyes have looked at me again
With all the frenzied charm of your jealousies,
And just a sob  could
unite you to my life after a silence.

Dewdrops, your tears were
And slowly they fell
to the depth of my soul,
To calm my heart,
which anxiously waiting
it swore, never forget your love.

It’s the spring with its flowers
That wakes up my love
And my dream of hope.

It’s the happy song of two souls
that lived with hopes
silencing the heart.

It’s the life that comes back bringing
the perfume of pleasant memories.

Lights, hope, singing and flowers
Old resentments will fly away
to the enchantment of love.


(Unsung part)
Living with the wings folded
The souls cannot look at the sky
The sweet song of life
is because it speaks to us, of happiness and kisses.

The breeze that moves flowers
also love and sigh, also have jealousies
You don't have to dream, you have live with all the passion
because it's beautiful to live for love.

Note: poet Alfredo Faustino Roldán (1894-1954) wrote Amor y celos (vals), No Llores Madre (vals), Tu Pálido Final, Ojos Maulas, Que No Sepan Las Estrellas, etc.

composer Vicente Demarco (1912-77) was a pianist and played in a group with Maffia, Aieta, Ciriaco Ortiz, etc. He wrote review in Tango magazines such as Sintonía, El Alma Que Canta, etc. He composed Alas, Tu Pálido Final, Petit Salón, Tango Negro (milonga), etc.