Amor Cobarde (Timid Love)


Music: Luis Petrucelli
Lyrics: Daniel López Barreto
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Orquesta Típica Víctor with Alberto Gomez in 1933



Tengo miedo de quererte
Miedo tengo del arcano,
Nunca me sentí cobarde, hoy no sé,
yo siento no sé qué, no puedo comprender.

Tengo miedo de quererte
Miedo tengo y quiero verte,
Sufro lejos de tu lado y junto a vos,
Me pongo a temblar no sé por qué.



I am scared of loving you
I have a hidden fear..
I never felt timid, today I don't know
I feel I don't know what, I cannot understand.

I am scared of loving you
I have fear.. and I want to see you
I suffer being away from you or with you
I start to shake I don't know why.
