Amor Y Celos (Love and Jealousy)


Music: Miguel Padula
Lyrics: Alfredo Faustino Roldán
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Orquesta Típica Víctor with Carlos Lafuente in 1933



(Unsung part)

Como una estrella te vi surgir,
entre las nubes de mi existir.
Y apasionado pronto estalló
de amor y celos mi corazón.

Te amo con pasión ardiente y por eso tengo celos
hasta del divino cielo cuando elevas tu mirar.
Tengo celos de la luna porque tus rizos platea,
y ser brisa yo quisiera para besarte al pasar.

Princesa mía
lejos de ti
ya no podría
solo vivir.

Deja que te ame
con frenesí
y con pasión te llame
junto a mi lado así:


(Unsung part)

Ven que tus labios quiero besar
y en tus mejillas mi amor sellar.
Ven que te espero para beber
el áureo cáliz de tu querer.


(Unsung part)

I saw you come up like a star
between the clouds of my existence.
And passionate soon exploded
my heart with love and jealousy.

I love you with burning passion and that's why I'm jealous
even of the divine sky when you look up to it.
I'm jealous of the moon because it taints your curls silver,
and I wish I could be a breeze so I could kiss you passing by.

My little princess
far away from you
I could no longer
live alone.

Let me love you
with frenzy.
and call you with passion
by my side like this.


(Unsung part)

Come, because I want to kiss your lips
and seal my love on your cheeks
Come, because I wait for you to drink
the golden chalice of your love.

Note: Composer Miguel Padula dedicated this song to his mother.