La Brisa (The Breeze)

Music: Francisco Canaro & Juan Canaro before 1922
Lyrics: Juan Andrés Caruso
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Alfredo De Angelis with Carlos Dante in 1946



Era una tarde, corría una brisa,
muy cálida y suave por la rosaleda.
Cerca del lago, leyendo poesía,
estabas oculta entre la arboleda.

Turbé el silencio con mis pisadas
hubo un suspiro y dos miradas.
Era una tarde, corría una brisa,
muy cálida y suave por el rosedal.

Y nos volvimos a ver en aquel mismo lugar
y grabado en un rosal quedó un nombre de mujer
como un recuerdo imborrable de horas vividas y de ilusión.
Mientras la tarde moría
y el sol nos enviaba un beso de amor.

Mas no éramos iguales y eso nos separaba,
un mundo de distancia había entre los dos.
Tu eras de familia muy rica y distinguida,
yo, en cambio, solamente era un trabajador.

Vivías entre el lujo, en un regio palacio,
ningún amor sincero podías tu sentir.
Tus autos y lacayos, tu oro y pedrería,
tus sedas, tus encajes te alejaron de mi.



It was afternoon, there was a breeze,
very warm and soft in the rose garden.
Close to the lake, reading poetry,
you were hidden among the trees.

I broke the silence with my steps,
there was a sigh and two gazes.
It was afternoon, there was a breeze,
very warm and soft in the rose garden.

And we met again in that same place
and in the rosebush a woman’s name was engraved
like an indelible memory of hours lived with dreams.
While the afternoon faded away
and the sun sent us a kiss of love.

But we were not equal and that separated us,
A world of distance there was between the two of us.
You were from a very rich and distinguished family,
I, on the other hand, was only a working class man.

You lived in luxury, in a magnificent palace,
no sincere love you could feel.
Your cars and servants, your gold and jewels,
your silks, your laces distanced you away from me.
