
Vos, sabés que fuiste para mí
la luz de mi cabeza alocada,
el porqué de mi pobre vivir
que vos alimentaste de amor...

Muñequita de trapo
que yo adoré santamente
y fingías quererme...
¡Mentira, mentira! ¡No tiene perdón!

Me pregunto cuáles son
las causas por que vos
quebraste mi felicidad,
por qué razón fatal
vos me causaste tanto mal...

No te vengo a mendigar
cariños que tal vez
a otros le entregaste
como a mí,
ni me arrepiento
de haberte querido así.

Y pensar que yo te vi llorar
de amor entre mis brazos de hombre,
que escuché jurarme tu querer
por todo lo más grande que hay,
por tu santa viejita,
que Dios la tenga en la gloria...

¡Y eran todas mentiras,
mentiras, mentiras de mala mujer!



You know you were for me
the light of my crazy head,
the reason for my poor life
that you fed with love...

Little rag doll
that I saintly adored
and you faked to love me...
Lie, lie!  There's no forgiveness!

I ask myself what are
the reasons for which you
broke my happiness,
what was the fatal reason
for you to cause me so much pain...

I don't come to beg you
for love that perhaps
you surrendered to others
like you did to me,
nor I regret
having loved you like this.

And to think that I saw you crying
for love in my manly arms
that I heard you swear your love to me
for all the greater things,
for your saintly mother,
May God keep her in his glory...

And they were all lies,
lies, lies of a bad woman! 



Vos, sabés que fuiste para mí
la luz de mi cabeza alocada,
el porqué de mi pobre vivir
que vos alimentaste de amor...

Muñequita de trapo
que yo adoré santamente
y fingías quererme...
¡Mentira, mentira! ¡No tiene perdón!

Me pregunto cuáles son
las causas por que vos
quebraste mi felicidad,
por qué razón fatal
vos me causaste tanto mal...

No te vengo a mendigar
cariños que tal vez
a otros le entregaste
como a mí,
ni me arrepiento
de haberte querido así.


No te vengo a mendigar
cariños que tal vez
a otros le entregaste
como a mí,
ni me arrepiento
de haberte querido así.


You know you were for me
the light of my crazy head,
the reason for my poor life
that you fed with love...

Little rag doll
that I saintly adored
and you faked to love me...
Lie, lie!  There's no forgiveness!

I ask myself what are
the reasons for which you
broke my happiness,
what was the fatal reason
for you to cause me so much pain...

I don't come to beg you
for love that perhaps
you surrendered to others
like you did to me,
nor I regret
having loved you like this.


I don't come to beg you
for love that perhaps
you surrendered to others
like you did to me,
nor I regret
having loved you like this.


Vos, sabés que fuiste para mí
la luz de mi cabeza alocada,
el porqué de mi pobre vivir
que ayer alimentaste de amor...

Muñequita de trapo
que yo adoré santamente
y fingías quererme...
¡Mentira, mentira! ¡No tiene perdón!

Me pregunto cuáles son
las causas por que vos
quebraste mi felicidad,
por qué razón fatal
vos me causaste tanto mal...

No te vengo a mendigar
cariños que tal vez
a otros le entregaste
como a mí,
ni me arrepiento
de haberte querido así.


Y pensar que yo te vi temblar
de amor entre mis brazos de hombre,
que te hoy jurar mi eterno amor
por todo lo más grande que hay,
por tu santa viejita,
que Dios la tenga en la gloria...

¡Y eran todas mentiras,
mentiras, mentiras de mala mujer!

No te vengo a mendigar
cariños que tal vez
a otros le entregaste como a mí,
ni me arrepiento
de haberte querido así.


You know you were for me
the light of my crazy head,
the reason for my poor life
that you fed with love yesterday...

Little rag doll
that I saintly adored
and you faked to love me...
Lie, lie!  There's no forgiveness!

I ask myself what are
the reasons for which you
broke my happiness,
what was the fatal reason
for you to cause me so much pain...

I don't come to beg you
for love that perhaps
you surrendered to others
like you did to me,
nor I regret
having loved you like this.


And to think that I saw you shaking
for love in my manly arms
that I swore my eternal love to you
for all the greater things,
for your saintly mother,
May God keep her in his glory...

And they were all lies,
lies, lies of a bad woman! 

I don't come to beg you
for love that perhaps
you surrendered to others
like you did to me, nor I regret
having loved you like this.