Milonga Sentimental (Sentimental Milonga)

Music: Sebastián Piana 1931
Lyrics: Homero Manzi
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Francisco Canaro with Ernesto Famá & Angel Ramos in 1933



Milonga pa’ recordarte,
milonga sentimental.
Otros se quejan llorando
yo canto pa’ no llorar.

Tu amor se secó de golpe
nunca dijiste por qué.
Yo me consuelo pensando
que fue traición de mujer.

Varón, pa’ quererte mucho,
varón, pa’ desearte el bien,
varón, pa’ olvidar agravios
porque ya te perdoné.

Tal vez no lo sepas nunca,
tal vez no lo puedas creer,
tal vez te provoque risa
¡verme tirao a tus pies!



A milonga to remember you,
a sentimental milonga.
Others complain by crying;
I sing not to cry.

Your love dried all of a sudden
you never told me why.
I comfort myself by thinking
that it was a woman’s betrayal.

I’ll be a man to love you very much,
a man to wish you well,
a man to forget affronts
because I already forgave you.

Maybe you will never know,
maybe you won’t be able to believe it,
maybe it’ll make you laugh
watching me down at your feet!
