Y Dicen Que No Te Quiero (And They Say I Don't Love You)

Music: José Canet
Lyrics: José Canet
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo with Floreal Ruiz in 1947



La gente es mala y comenta,
cómo, no estando a mi lado,
yo te puedo querer tanto
y a tus encantos
vivo amarrado.

La gente es siempre igual..
No piensa que hace mal
y vuelca indiferente
la palabra más hiriente
sobre el tierno pensamiento
en el momento
que más se muere de amor.

Y dicen que no te quiero
porque no me ven contigo...
Si supieran que en el alma tenemos
nuestros sueños aferrados...

Si supieran que los dos nos queremos
aunque estemos separados...
¡Cuántos hay que estando juntos no se aman
y no saben de este amor que hay dentro mío!...

¡Y dicen que no te quiero
porque no me ven contigo!...


¡Cuántos hay que estando juntos no se aman
y no saben de este amor que hay dentro mío!...
¡Y dicen que no te quiero
porque no me ven contigo!...

(Unsung part)

Siempre el amor fue lo mismo
en el por qué de la vida;
siempre ha habido y sigue habiendo
quienes, mintiendo,
muestran su herida...

Y tratan de engañar
a aquel que sabe amar...
Pero esos que mintiendo
van hablando y van hiriendo
son, tal vez, los que han querido
y no han podido
amar igual que amo yo.


People are evil and comment
how, not being by my side
I can love you so much
and to your charms
I live tied to.

People are always the same...
They don't think they are harmful
and express indifferent
the most hurtful word
on a tender thought
in the moment
one dies the most for love.

And they say that I don't love you
because they don't see me with you...
If they knew that we have in the soul
our dreams sealed...

If they knew that we love each other
even being separated...
How many being together are not in love
and don't know about this love that is inside me...

And they say that I don't love you
because they don't see me with you...


How many being together are not in love
and don't know about this love that is inside me...

And they say that I don't love you
because they don't see me with you...

(Unsung part)

Love was always the same
in the reason of life;
there always have been and there  still are
those who, lying
show their pain...

And they try to trick
those who know how to love...
But those who lying, 

talk and go hurt
are, perhaps, those  who  wished
but were not able to
love the  way I do.